I became a christian since I was a child; because my parents were Christians. In the past years I discovered that as long as you go the house of God (i.e the church) you are a christian. At this period in my christian life I was involved with activities in church. I was in the children's choir and I always find myself doing something in the house of God, because of these activities people were more convinced I was a child of God which I was anyways.
After a couple of years I went to a Secondary boarding school named
Bishop Crowder in Nigeria. I am not going to tell you everything that happened in the school where I was bullied by my seniors in school; I'm concentrating on my christian life. During my stay in this school I met a senior called Raphael, he was the chapel prefect in school at that time. This guy made me realise that going to church and becoming involved with activities does not mean I was born again or I was going to make heaven. People in the bible were called Christians because they were followers of Jesus, they did the things he did. I looked back and asked
myself questions like 'are you going to church because your parents are Christians or you saw others doing it? , 'do you even know who you serve?' I realised then that I did not really know who I was following,
I did it because I was brought up that way, so I decided to know this God. I was taught about the Holy spirit and his personalities, from that time I started going to church because I love God and I wanted to know him not because my Dad and Mom were going to church.
Now I know what it means to be a Christian, at that time, I was a christian without a purpose but now with a purpose. I'm not saying when you become a christian everything becomes perfect no, there are things you go through but you always find peace and the rest of mind. I'm not saying I'm holy or something; I'm saying since I knew this God he has made things easy for me. I remember when I was in secondary school I was not the best, I'm not even that book person, whenever I want to read I pray to God to enlighten the eyes of my understanding and give me direction, after praying I understand what I read and when I sit for my exam I get a good grade. I see people putting more effort in reading and not getting the result they want. Right now I'm in my first year in Anglia Ruskin university doing mechanical engineering course. Sometimes people ask me what course are you doing and when I tell them mechanical engineering they say you must be intelligent, then I say within me they don't know. Since I decided to know God and I'm still discovering new things about him I don't struggle to do things if I get him involved.